To ensure the security of your Digify account, you're required to choose a strong and secure password.
Password requirements:
At least 10 characters with at least 1 letter, 1 symbol and 1 number. The following characters are accepted:
Letters: A-Z, a-z
Numbers: 0-9
Symbols: ~`!@#$%^&*()_-+={[}]|\:;"'<,>.?/
No spaces are allowed
Your password is case-sensitive
Must not contain the same character three times or more in a row
Must not contain any personal information, such as your first name, last name or email address/domain
Must not be an old password that you've previously used on Digify
How to change your password
Step 1: Sign in to your Digify account.
Step 2: From your dashboard, click on your name and avatar in the top-right corner. In the dropdown menu, select My Settings.
Step 3: You'll be directed to the My Settings page. Click on the SECURITY section.
Step 4: Under Current Password, enter your current password. Then under New Password, enter a new password. Ensure that your new password meets the requirements.
Step 5: Once done, click on the Save button.
How to reset your password
If you forgot your password, you may reset it at any time.
Step 1: Go to the Sign In page.
Step 2: Enter the email address that you're using to access Digify. Click on the Next button.
Step 3: You'll be prompted to enter your password. Leave the field blank. Instead, click on Forget password?
Step 4: You'll receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password. Follow the instructions.