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Review for your Tripwire alerts

How to verify Data room Guest activity

Eefennie Fam avatar
Written by Eefennie Fam
Updated over a year ago

As the owner of a data room/document security file, you will receive the Tripwire alerts when a recipient/guest using 4 or more detected browsers or IP addresses accesses the files/data room

If you received an alert for Document Security Files

Review the analytics of a sent file​
Review the specific recipient activities
How to remove recipient access in sent files

If you received an alert for the Data room

Review the analytics of a sent file

1) From your dashboard, click on Manage Sent Files in the left sidebar.

2) Select the specific file mentioned in the email

3) Right click or use the floating menu bar and click analytics

Review the specific recipient activity

1) From your dashboard, click on Manage Sent Files in the left sidebar

2) Select the specific file mentioned in the email

3) Right click or use the floating menu bar and click analytics

4) Search for the recipient's name and check the activity. You can find the recipient's location and IP address for each activity

5) (Optional) For more detailed recipient analytics you may wish to download the analytics by clicking "export analytics" in the top right hand corner of the file

Revoke recipient access in the Sent files

If you have the impression that your recipient is sharing his credentials or logging in from multiple locations, you can remove his access as follows

1) From your dashboard, click on Manage Send Files in the left sidebar.

2) If you want to revoke access for a specific recipient, click on the three dots (...) or right click beside the file. In the dropdown menu, select Manage Access.

3) If you want to disable access for a specific recipient, click the toggle switch to temporarily disable access or remove recipient permanently

Review the analytics of a data room

1) From your dashboard, Click on Manage data room on the left sidebar

2) Select the specific data room mentioned in the email

3) Right click or use the floating menu bar and click analytics

4) Review the analytics overview

Review specific guest activity

1) From your dashboard, Click on Manage data room on the left sidebar

2) Select the specific data room mentioned in the email

3) Right click or use the floating menu bar and click analytics

4) Click on Guests in the sidebar

5) To view the detailed analytics for the guest, click on the arrow beside the guest. This will expand a list of activities carried out by this guest within this data room.

6) (Optional) For more detailed guests analytics you may wish to download the activity log by clicking "Export Stats" in the bottom left corner.

Revoke guest access in the Data room

If you feel that your data room guest is sharing their login credentials or logging in from multiple places you may revoke their access detailed below

1) Enter the data room. Click on Guests in the top-right corner.

2) Select the guest for whom you want to revoke their access.

3) You'll be directed to the Edit Guest page. Under Permission, select No Access. Then, click on the Save button. Once the changes are saved, the guest will no longer have access to files and folders in the data room.

4) You can also permanently remove the guest from your data room.

Still have any questions?

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