There are 5 possible reasons for this.
Reason 1: File owner has disabled printing
If you're seeing a Print icon that is grayed out and you're unable to click on the icon, this means the file owner has disabled printing for the file.
If you need to print the file, please contact the file owner directly.
Reason 2: You've reached the print limit for the file
If you were able to print the file before, but can't print it any more, you may have reached the print limit for the file.
Alternatively, the file owner may have changed the file permission to disable printing since you last printed the file.
If you need to print the file again, please contact the file owner directly.
Please note that for security reasons, no Digify employees are able to change the permissions of files to enable printing for file recipients and data room guests.
Reason 3: You're attempting to print on a mobile browser
Printing is currently not supported on mobile browsers. We've detected functional issues when attempting to print files with the Digify file viewer in a mobile browser.
Our team of developers have tested various alternatives, but have yet to find an ideal solution at the moment.
In the meantime, we seek your understanding to print the file from a desktop browser instead of a mobile browser on your phone. We recommend using Google Chrome on your desktop.
Reason 4: You're using an incompatible browser
If you're on your desktop, and you're able to click on the Print icon but experienced an error while printing, this is likely due to an incompatible browser.
If you're using Safari, you'll see this pop-up when attempting to print a file.
Digify uses a third-party web standards-compliant PDF viewer component that is not compatible with Safari. As a result, when printing a file with Safari, the contents of the file may be distorted or you may end up with a blank document.
We are actively monitoring potential updates that could resolve this issue. In the meantime, we seek your understanding to print the file using Google Chrome on your desktop instead.
Reason 5: The file is an image & is larger than 10 MB
If the file you're attempting to print is an image, and it is larger than 10 MB in file size, you may encounter issues.
Please contact the file owner to re-upload the image in a smaller file size (i.e. less than 10 MB).