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Data Rooms
Create a secure data room, manage files and guest permissions.
What is a virtual data room?
How to set up your data room for due diligence in one minute
Creating a data room
Changing your data room settings
Uploading files to a data room
Accessing files in a data room as an invited guest
Managing your data room's Access setting
Adding guests to a data room
How to add guests without allowing them to view your entire data room
Removing data room guests
Temporarily revoke a guest's or group's data room access
How to unshare/disable your data room
How to get links for a data room & its files, folders & About page
Team members do not automatically get access to existing data rooms
How to create different levels of access to your data room for due diligence
Default Guest Permission for data rooms
Data room permissions & how to assign them to guests
How to assign co-owners in a data room
Setting up Groups for data room guests
Folder-Level & File-Level Granular Permissions
How to preview guest or group access
How to add new folders or files discreetly
How to allow data room guests to print & download files
How the "No Access" permission works
When parent folder has "Edit" permission, its files'/folders' permissions cannot be changed
Copy granular permissions from another guest/group
Introducing Editing with MS Office
Introducing... Excel What-If Analysis
Terms of Access for data rooms
New File Notifications
Data Room About Page
How to enable/disable & change your data room banner
Tips for optimizing your data room banner
Optimizing your data room banner image for mobile/smaller screens
Where to get stock images for your data room banner
Cloning a data room
Transferring ownership of a data room
Exporting your entire data room
Export a data room file to Document Security
Rename files & folders in a data room
Move/copy files & folders within and across data rooms you own
Reorder files in a data room
Replace files in a data room
Download data room files as a guest
Downloading a file, multiple files or all files from a data room
Exporting the data room File Index as an Excel file
Trash Can - Remove and Restore Data Room Files